But if it weren't for the film Capote, which I did go and see, I wouldn't have reassessed my impression of the film's inspiration and gotten down to reading his work.
Needless to say, In Cold Blood and the dead-tree version of Breakfast at Tiffany's are brilliant, and Holly Golightly is a much darker figure than I had expected.
And so I give you a selection from In Cold Blood, which, funnily enough given the book's non-fictional fictional status, might not be words of Capote's invention but of the actual person from whose mouth they were supposedly uttered:
"What you got against him - a nice little punk like that?"
"Parole violation."
"Uh-huh. Came all the way from Kansas on a parole case. Well, I'm just a dizzy blonde. I believe you. But I wouldn't tell that tale to any brunettes."